All posts tagged: 4 min read

The Importance of Mother-Baby Skin-to-Skin Contact

By Meg Heather Ford At the start of the 20th century as birth moved away from the home and care of midwives and into the hospital and realm of the trained obstetrician, a (perhaps unintended?) consequence was the routine separation of mother and baby immediately after delivery. Increasingly, science is confirming what standard midwifery care

The Power of the Placenta – A Look into Placenta Encapsulation

By Shasta Colmenares This beautifully designed and life-giving home for a growing baby is as perfect and individual as a fingerprint. The first time I saw a placenta in person was attending my first delivery in 2009. It was about 20 minutes after the water birth of a beautiful baby girl, that it was ‘ready’

Three Ways to Foster Healthy Eating Habits in Children

As a parent or caregiver, it is only natural to be concerned about our children’s eating habits. We worry about when they eat, how much they eat, and what they eat. How do we best provide our children with the nutrients and healthy eating habits they need to ensure long lasting health? I want to

Why I Am a Doula & Not a Midwife

Last year, while supporting a first time mother and her partner through a particularly intense (aren’t they all really?) and precipitous labor, I had a very illuminating experience as her doula. Upon our arrival at the hospital, my client was clearly in active labor and after routine monitoring, baby was doing fine. When the nurse