Birthing Peace of Mind
starts with hiring a doula
What is a doula?
Birth doulas accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. They provide emotional support, physical comfort, and facilitate communication with medical staff to make sure a laboring woman has the information necessary to make educated decisions during childbirth.
A doula will provide reassurance and perspective to the laboring woman and her partner, making suggestions for labor progress, and assisting with comfort techniques including relaxation, massage, positioning, and touch. Doulas work independently from the hospital or birth center.
It is my desire for parents to be fully informed about the choices they make regarding the birth of their child. I believe that every parent should be completely supported and nurtured while bringing their child into the world.
A partners presence and loving support in childbirth is comforting and reassuring. The love that is shared with the mother and child, along with nurturing and protection are priceless gifts. With a woman’s partner and a doula at the birth, a mother can have the best of both worlds: her partner’s loving care and attention, and the doula’s expertise and guidance in childbirth.
Having a doula at your birth can be a wonderful experience for the whole family. Mothers report a higher satisfaction level with their births after having a doula, and the statistics show that risks of intervention are lower with a doula’s presence.